Friday, September 27, 2019

Feedback Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Feedback - Essay Example Target marketing is a good opportunity for the company, which will allow in effective execution of plans and comprehension of the customer needs. As such, the return on investment through target marketing is high because the company will have an opportunity to comprehend the nature of business activities and achieve success. Differentiation is a strategy, which will aid the company in achieving success. Such is because the market of Australia is different in terms of economics, politics and cultural activities. Hence, differentiation will facilitate in ensuring that the company has different brands, which receive appraisal from the target markets. Nevertheless, Starbucks may not achieve success if it does not engage in extensive marketing of its brands in the competitive market environment. This is where the company needs to seek subsidiary sellers or intermediary sellers to ensure that its brands reach the market and achieve the best appraisal from customers. These innovative ways w ill create room for the achievement of success for the

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