Wednesday, October 30, 2019

List, describe, and explain the rules regarding consent searches under Essay

List, describe, and explain the rules regarding consent searches under the Fourth Amendment. Provide case examples that illuminate the rules - Essay Example Government agents may circumvent official warrants if by doing so they would prevent a crime from happening or a criminal escaping. In Terry v. Ohio (1968), a law enforcement officer spotted three men milling around the entrance to a jewelry shop and suspected that they were preparing for robbery. He advanced to the men, identified himself and demanded to frisk them. While performing the search, he found illegal hidden weapons on the defendants, leading to their conviction. The defendants made an unsuccessful appeal before the Supreme Court by arguing that their conviction was based on bad evidence obtained without a search warrant as required under the 4th Amendment (Slobogin 398). By contrast, in Mapp v Ohio (1961), the Supreme Court dismissed the defendant’s conviction for being found in possession of illegal porn material, noting that the arresting officers did not identify themselves properly (Slobogin 504). Besides, the officers denied the defendant the right to counsel who was at the scene of crime. The 4th Amendment stipulates strict rules for government officers to follow while undertaking searches and seizure of evidence. Even though, individual privacy is not clearly stated in the US constitution, illegal searches violate privacy of citizens and are therefore

Monday, October 28, 2019

Standardized testing Essay Example for Free

Standardized testing Essay Standardized testing has assumed a well-known role in recent efforts to advance the quality of education. Regardless of where they went to school or what curriculum they followed, students are tested on the same material, which can be loosely grouped into knowledge domains and skill sets that encompass; natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, reading, speaking, writing, and mathematics. National, state, and district tests, combined with minimum competency, special program, and special diploma evaluations, have resulted in a greatly expanded set of testing requirements for most schools. By definition, a standardized test is a test where the same test is given in the same manner to all test takers. It is administered and scored in a consistent or â€Å"standard† manner. It is designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures and interpretations are consistent, and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner. 3 Using standardized tests to perform assessments is beneficial for several reasons. First, because standardized tests yield quantifiable information (scores, proficiency levels, and so forth), and results can be used in screening programs. Second, standardized test results provide information regarding an examinees areas of strength and weakness. Third, standardized test results allow a student to be compared to age- or grade-peers. And lastly, standardized tests can be used to assess students progress over time (e. g. , re-administering tests after the application of an intervention or following the institution of a remedial program the most significant benefit of results from a test given in a standardized fashion is that the results can be documented and empirically verified. This then allows for the results to be interpreted and ideas about an individuals skills generalized. Although standardized testing is beneficial in some situations, the validity and value of traditional standardized tests are subjects of increasing debate. Recent studies raise questions about whether improvements in test score performance actually signal improvement in learning. Student’s performance on one particular day and does not take into account external factors. There are many people who simply do not perform well on tests. Many of these students are smart and understand the content, but it doesn’t show on the test. Many students also develop test anxiety which hinders performance. Finally, there are so many external factors that play into test performance. If a student has an argument with their parents the morning of the test, chances are their focus isn’t going to be where it should be. In elementary schools less time is being spent on sciences, social studies and the arts to make way for  preparing the students  to take the tests in math, reading and writing. Teachers feel strong pressure, especially from district administrators and the media, to improve their students test scores. With the stakes getting higher and higher for teachers, this practice will only continue to increase. The sad reality is that it fosters an atmosphere that is boring and lacks creativeness. Teachers have such pressure to get their students ready for these exams that they neglect to teach students skills that go beyond the tests. But despite criticisms of standardized testing, the proficient teachers of today do not accept that their students have limitations, or are incapable of learning any given concept. Instead these teacher work hard every day to make material relevant for their children and develop lesson plans that speak to individual lesson plans. While both critiques and proponents of standardized testing could debate their sides all day, the need to assess students to determine both their progress and the progress of their teachers and schools is undeniable. Standardized testing evaluates students early in their education on their readiness both scholastically and behaviorally Students and their parents are able to measure at least generally their progress and areas in which they need. Standardized test shape people’s futures, so they need to be created fairly, so everyone has an equal opportunity to have a successful future. While the jury is still out on whether or not there is a better method of determining individual student progress. The need for a common measure to compare students to bring about change is still more present than ever.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Abortion :: essays research papers

Abortion: Murder or Convenience? The woman was 22 weeks pregnant when she sought the assistance of Dr. Martin Haskell, the originator of the partial-birth abortion procedure, to rid herself of her already-kicking child. Haskell performed the first stage of the partial-birth abortion. He inserted a seaweed-based substance into the woman's cervix and instructed her to return the following day. But in this case, things did not go according to plan. The woman complained of severe abdominal pain on the first night and, being far from Haskell's clinic, reported to the emergency room of her local hospital, Bethesda North, in Cincinnati. As she was being examined (she did not say she was pregnant), the baby was born - alive. Pediatricians and neonatologists came running. The baby girl weighed in at 1 pound. The doctors decided that the child was very unlikely to survive and instructed that nothing be done. Connie Boyles, a nurse, and Shelly Lowe, a medical technician, saw the baby girl gasp for air and were stunned. Lowe, knowing that the nurses were busy caring for other patients in the emergency room, asked if she could hold the child she dubbed "Baby Hope" until she died. The request was granted. Lowe wrapped Baby Hope in a blanket and settled into a rocking chair for what she imagined would be just a few minutes. She sang to her and stroked her cheeks. "I wanted her to feel that she was wanted," Lowe explained later. "She was a perfectly formed newborn, entering the world too soon, through no choice of her own." The baby sucked on her lower lip, opened and closed her hands, and moved a bit as Lowe held her. She also did something else - she continued to breathe on her own. After three hours, Baby Hope died in the arms of the compassionate Shelly Lowe. The state of Ohio issued her a death certificate. The cause of death was listed as "extreme pre-maturity secondary to induced abortion.† Lowe was asked at a press conference what her position on abortion was. She said she had been pro-choice but was now pro-life. What changed her mind? Three hours. ( Many people believe that a woman has control over her body, but is the â€Å"blob of tissue† inside her really part of her body? Many scientists say â€Å"no,† they say that life begins at conception. Dr. Matthews-Roth of Harvard Medical School has given over 20 resources that agree with and support the fact that life begins at conception.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Forecasting Essay

1. Tupperware only uses both qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques, culminating in a final forecast that is the consensus of all participating managers. False (Global company profile: Tupperware Corporation, moderate) 2. The forecasting time horizon and the forecasting techniques used tend to vary over the life cycle of a product. True (What is forecasting? moderate) 3. Sales forecasts are an input to financial planning, while demand forecasts impact human resource decisions. True (Types of forecasts, moderate) 4. Forecasts of individual products tend to be more accurate than forecasts of product families. False (Seven steps in the forecasting system, moderate) 5. Most forecasting techniques assume that there is some underlying stability in the system. True (Seven steps in the forecasting system, moderate) 6. The sales force composite forecasting method relies on salespersons’ estimates of expected sales. True (Forecasting approaches, easy) 7. A time-series model uses a series of past data points to make the forecast. True (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 8. The quarterly â€Å"make meeting† of Lexus dealers is an example of a sales force composite forecast. True (Forecasting approaches, easy) 9. Cycles and random variations are both components of time series. True (Time-series forecasting, easy) 10. A naive forecast for September sales of a product would be equal to the sales in August. True (Time-series forecasting, easy) 11. One advantage of exponential smoothing is the limited amount of record keeping involved. True (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 12. The larger the number of periods in the simple moving average forecasting method, the greater the method’s responsiveness to changes in demand. False (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 13. Forecast including trend is an exponential smoothing technique that utilizes two smoothing constants: one for the average level of the forecast and one for its trend. True (Time-series forecasting, easy) 14. Mean Squared Error and Coefficient of Correlation are two measures of the overall error of a forecasting model. False (Time-series forecasting, easy) 15. In trend projection, the trend component is the slope of the regression equation. True (Time-series forecasting, easy) 16. In trend projection, a negative regression slope is mathematically impossible. False (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 17. Seasonal indexes adjust raw data for patterns that repeat at regular time intervals. True (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 18. If a quarterly seasonal index has been calculated at 1.55 for the October-December quarter, then raw data for that quarter must be multiplied by 1.55 so that the quarter can be fairly compared to other quarters. False (Time-series forecasting: Seasonal variation in data, moderate) 19. The best way to forecast a business cycle is by finding a leading variable. True (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 20. Linear-regression analysis is a straight-line mathematical model to describe the functional relationships between independent and dependent variables. True (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation analysis, easy) 21. The larger the standard error of the estimate, the more accurate the forecasting model. False (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation analysis, easy) 22. A trend projection equation with a slope of 0.78 means that there is a 0.78 unit rise in Y for every unit of time that passes. True (Time-series forecasting: Trend projections, moderate) 23. In a regression equation where Y is demand and X is advertising, a coefficient of determination (R2) of .70 means that 70% of the variance in advertising is explained by demand. False (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation analysis, moderate) 24. Tracking limits should be within  ± 8 MADs for low-volume stock items. True (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, moderate) 25. If a forecast is consistently greater than (or less than) actual values, the forecast is said to be biased. True (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, moderate) 26. Focus forecasting tries a variety of computer models and selects the best one for a particular application. True (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, moderate) 27. Many service firms use point-of-sale computers to collect detailed records needed for accurate short-term forecasts. True (Forecasting in the service sector, moderate) MULTIPLE CHOICE 28. Tupperware’s use of forecasting a.involves only a few statistical tools b.concentrates on the low-level dealer, and is not aggregated at the company level c.relies on the fact that all of its products are in the maturity phase of the life cycle a major source of its competitive edge over its rivals e.takes inputs from sales, marketing, and finance, but not from production d (Global company profile, moderate) 29. Which of the following statements regarding Tupperware’s forecasting is false? a.Tupperware’s fifty profit centers generate the basic set of projections. b.Tupperware uses at least three quantitative forecasting techniques. c.Tupperware uses only quantitative forecasting techniques. d.†Sales per active dealer† is one of three key forecasting variables (factors). e.†Jury of executive opinion† is the ultimate forecasting tool used at Tupperware. c (Global company profile, moderate) 30. Forecasts a.become more accurate with longer time horizons b.are rarely perfect c.are more accurate for individual items than for groups of items d.all of the above e.none of the above b (What is forecasting? moderate) 31. One use of short-range forecasts is to determine a.production planning b.inventory budgets c.research and development plans d.facility location e.job assignments e (What is forecasting? moderate) 32. Forecasts are usually classified by time horizon into three categories a.short-range, medium-range, and long-range, marketing, and operations c.strategic, tactical, and operational d.exponential smoothing, regression, and time series e.departmental, organizational, and industrial a (What is forecasting? easy) 33. A forecast with a time horizon of about 3 months to 3 years is typically called a a.long-range forecast b.medium-range forecast c.short-range forecast forecast e.strategic forecast b (What is forecasting? moderate) 34. Forecasts used for new product planning, capital expenditures, facility location or expansion, and R&D typically utilize a a.short-range time horizon b.medium-range time horizon c.long-range time horizon d.naive method, because there is no data history e.all of the above c (What is forecasting? moderate) 35. The three major types of forecasts used by business organizations are a.strategic, tactical, and operational b.economic, technological, and demand c.exponential smoothing, Delphi, and regression d.causal, time-series, and seasonal e.departmental, organizational, and territorial b (Types of forecasts, moderate) 36. Which of the following is not a step in the forecasting process? a.Determine the use of the forecast. b.Eliminate any assumptions. c.Determine the time horizon. d.Select forecasting model. e.Validate and implement the results. b (The strategic importance of forecasting, moderate) 37. The two general approaches to forecasting are a.qualitative and quantitative b.mathematical and statistical c.judgmental and qualitative d.historical and associative e.judgmental and associative a (Forecasting approaches, easy) 38. Which of the following uses three types of participants: decision makers, staff personnel, and respondents? a.executive opinions b.sales force composites c.the Delphi method d.consumer surveys e.time series analysis c (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 39. The forecasting model that pools the opinions of a group of experts or managers is known as the a.sales force composition model b.multiple regression c.jury of executive opinion model d.consumer market survey model coefficients model c (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 40. Which of the following is not a type of qualitative forecasting? a.executive opinions b.sales force composites c.consumer surveys d.the Delphi method e.moving average e (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 41. Which of the following techniques uses variables such as price and promotional expenditures, which are related to product demand, to predict demand? a.associative models b.exponential smoothing c.weighted moving average d.simple moving average e.time series a (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 42. Which of the following statements about time series forecasting is true? a.It is based on the assumption that future demand will be the same as past demand. b.It makes extensive use of the data collected in the qualitative approach. c.The analysis of past demand helps predict future demand. d.Because it accounts for trends, cycles, and seasonal patterns, it is more powerful than causal forecasting. e.All of the above are true. c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 43. Time series data may exhibit which of the following behaviors? a.trend b.random variations c.seasonality d.cycles e.They may exhibit all of the above. e (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 44. Gradual, long-term movement in time series data is called a.seasonal variation b.cycles c.trends d.exponential variation e.random variation c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 45. Which of the following is not present in a time series? a.seasonality b.operational variations c.trend d.cycles e.random variations b (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 46. The fundamental difference between cycles and seasonality is the a.duration of the repeating patterns b.magnitude of the variation c.ability to attribute the pattern to a cause d.all of the above e.none of the above a (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 47. In time series, which of the following cannot be predicted? a.large increases in demand b.technological trends c.seasonal fluctuations d.random fluctuations e.large decreases in demand d (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 48. What is the approximate forecast for May using a four-month moving average? 49. Which time series model below assumes that demand in the next period will be equal to the most recent period’s demand? a.naive approach b.moving average approach c.weighted moving average approach d.exponential smoothing approach e.none of the above a (Time-series forecasting, easy) 50. Which of the following is not a characteristic of simple moving averages? a.It smoothes random variations in the data. b.It has minimal data storage requirements. c.It weights each historical value equally. d.It lags changes in the data. e.It smoothes real variations in the data. b (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 51. A six-month moving average forecast is better than a three-month moving average forecast if demand rather stable b.has been changing due to recent promotional efforts c.follows a downward trend d.follows a seasonal pattern that repeats itself twice a year e.follows an upward trend a (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 52. Increasing the number of periods in a moving average will accomplish greater smoothing, but at the expense of a.manager understanding b.accuracy c.stability d.responsiveness to changes e.All of the above are diminished when the number of periods increases. d (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 53. Which of the following statements comparing the weighted moving average technique and exponential smoothing is true? a.Exponential smoothing is more easily used in combination with the Delphi method. b.More emphasis can be placed on recent values using the weighted moving average. c.Exponential smoothing is considerably more difficult to implement on a computer. d.Exponential smoothing typically requires less record keeping of past data. e.Exponential smoothing allows one to develop forecasts for multiple periods, whereas weighted moving averages does not. d (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 54. Which time series model uses past forecasts and past demand data to generate a new forecast? a.naive b.moving average c.weighted moving average d.exponential smoothing e.regression analysis d (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 55. Which is not a characteristic of exponential smoothing? a.smoothes random variations in the data b.easily altered weighting scheme c.weights each historical value equally d.has minimal data storage requirements e.none of the above; they are all characteristics of exponential smoothing c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 56. Which of the following smoothing constants would make an exponential smoothing forecast equivalent to a naive forecast? a.0 b.1 divided by the number of periods c.0.5 d.1.0 e.cannot be determined d (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 57. Given an actual demand of 103, a previous forecast value of 99, and an alpha of .4, the exponential smoothing forecast for the next period would be a.94.6 b.97.4 c.100.6 d.101.6 e.103.0 c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 58. A forecast based on the previous forecast plus a percentage of the forecast error is a(n) a.qualitative forecast b.naive forecast c.moving average forecast d.weighted moving average forecast e.exponentially smoothed forecast e (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 59. Given an actual demand of 61, a previous forecast of 58, and an of .3, what would the forecast for the next period be using simple exponential smoothing? a.45.5 b.57.1 c.58.9 d.61.0 e.65.5 c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 60. Which of the following values of alpha would cause exponential smoothing to respond the most slowly to forecast errors? a.0.10 b.0.20 c.0.40 d.0.80 e.cannot be determined a (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 61. A forecasting method has produced the following over the past five months. What is the mean absolute deviation? 62. The primary purpose of the mean absolute deviation (MAD) in forecasting is to a.estimate the trend line b.eliminate forecast errors c.measure forecast accuracy d.seasonally adjust the forecast e.all of the above c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 63. Given forecast errors of -1, 4, 8, and -3, what is the mean absolute deviation? a.2 b.3 c.4 d.8 e.16 c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 64. The last four months of sales were 8, 10, 15, and 9 units. The last four forecasts were 5, 6, 11, and 12 units. The Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is a.2 b.-10 c.3.5 d.9 e.10.5 c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 65. A time series trend equation is 25.3 + 2.1 X. What is your forecast for period 7? a.23.2 b.25.3 c.27.4 d.40.0 e.cannot be determined d (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 66. For a given product demand, the time series trend equation is 53 – 4 X. The negative sign on the slope of the equation a mathematical impossibility an indication that the forecast is biased, with forecast values lower than actual values an indication that product demand is declining d.implies that the coefficient of determination will also be negative e.implies that the RSFE will be negative c (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 67. In trend-adjusted exponential smoothing, the forecast including trend (FIT) consists of exponentially smoothed forecast and an estimated trend value exponentially smoothed forecast and a smoothed trend factor c.the old forecast adjusted by a trend factor d.the old forecast and a smoothed trend factor e.a moving average and a trend factor b (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 68. Which of the following is true regarding the two smoothing constants of the Forecast Including Trend (FIT) model? a.One constant is positive, while the other is negative. b.They are called MAD and RSFE. c.Alpha is always smaller than beta. d.One constant smoothes the regression intercept, whereas the other smoothes the regression slope. e.Their values are determined independently. e (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 69. Demand for a certain product is forecast to be 800 units per month, averaged over all 12 months of the year. The product follows a seasonal pattern, for which the January monthly index is 1.25. What is the seasonally-adjusted sales forecast for January? a.640 units b.798.75 units c.800 units d.1000 units e.cannot be calculated with the information given a (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 70. A seasonal index for a monthly series is about to be calculated on the basis of three years’ accumulation of data. The three previous July values were 110, 150, and 130. The average over all months is 190. The approximate seasonal index for July is a.0.487 b.0.684 c.1.462 d.2.053 e. cannot be calculated with the information given b (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 71. A fundamental distinction between trend projection and linear regression is that a.trend projection uses least squares while linear regression does not b.only linear regression can have a negative slope trend projection the independent variable is time; in linear regression the independent variable need not be time, but can be any variable with explanatory power d.linear regression tends to work better on data that lack trends e.trend projection uses two smoothing constants, not just one c (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation analysis, moderate) 72. The percent of variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the regression equation is measured by the a.mean absolute deviation b.slope c.coefficient of determination d.correlation coefficient e.intercept c (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation analysis, moderate) 73. The degree or strength of a linear relationship is shown by the a.alpha b.mean c.mean absolute deviation d.correlation coefficient e.RSFE d (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation analysis, moderate) 74. If two variables were perfectly correlated, the correlation coefficient r would equal a.0 b.less than 1 c.exactly 1 d.-1 or +1 e.greater than 1 d (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation analysis, moderate) 75. The last four weekly values of sales were 80, 100, 105, and 90 units. The last four forecasts were 60, 80, 95, and 75 units. These forecasts illustrate a.qualitative methods b.adaptive smoothing c.slope d.bias e.trend projection d (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, easy) 76. The tracking signal is the a.standard error of the estimate b.running sum of forecast errors (RSFE) c.mean absolute deviation (MAD) d.ratio RSFE/MAD e.mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) d (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, moderate) 77. Computer monitoring of tracking signals and self-adjustment if a signal passes a preset limit is characteristic of a.exponential smoothing including trend b.adaptive smoothing c.trend projection d.focus forecasting e.multiple regression analysis b (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, moderate) 78. Many services maintain records of sales noting a.the day of the week b.unusual events d.holidays e.all of the above e (Forecasting in the service sector, moderate) 79. Taco Bell’s unique employee scheduling practices are partly the result of using a.point-of-sale computers to track food sales in 15 minute intervals b.focus forecasting c.a six-week moving average forecasting technique d.multiple regression e.a and c are both correct e (Forecasting in the service sector, moderate) 96. A skeptical manager asks what short-range forecasts can be used for. Give her three possible uses/purposes. Any three of: planning purchasing, job scheduling, work force levels, job assignments, production levels. (What is forecasting? moderate) 97. A skeptical manager asks what long-range forecasts can be used for. Give her three possible uses/purposes. Any three of: planning new products, capital expenditures, facility location or expansion, research and development. (What is forecasting? moderate) 98. Describe the three forecasting time horizons and their use. Forecasting time horizons are: short range—generally less than three months, used for purchasing, job scheduling, work force levels, production levels; medium range—usually from three months up to three years, used for sales planning, production planning and budgeting, cash budgeting, analyzing operating plans; long range—usually three years or more, used for new product development, capital expenditures, facility planning, and R&D. (What is forecasting? moderate) 99. List and briefly describe the three major types of forecasts. The three types are economic, technological, and demand; economic refers to macroeconomic, growth and financial variables; technological refers to forecasting amount of technological advance, or futurism; demand refers to  product demand. (Types of forecasts, moderate) 100. List the seven steps involved in forecasting. 1. Determine the use of the forecast. 2. Select the items that are to be forecast. 3. Determine the time horizon of the forecast. 4. Select the forecasting model(s). 5. Gather the data needed to make the forecast. 6. Make the forecast. 7. Validate the forecasting mode and implement the results. (Seven steps in the forecasting process, moderate) 101. What are the realities of forecasting that companies face? First, forecasts are seldom perfect. Second, most forecasting techniques assume that there is some underlying stability in the system. Finally, both product family and aggregated forecasts are more accurate than individual product forecasts. (Seven steps in the forecasting system, moderate) 102. What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods? Quantitative methods use mathematical models to analyze historical data. Qualitative methods incorporate such factors as the decision maker’s intuition, emotions, personal experiences, and value systems in determining the forecast. (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 103. List four quantitative forecasting methods. The list includes naive, moving averages, exponential smoothing, trend projection, and linear regression. (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 104. What is a time-series forecasting model? A time series forecasting model is any mathematical model that uses historical values of the quantity of interest to predict future values of that quantity. (Forecasting approaches, easy) 105. What is the difference between an associative model and a time-series model? A time series model uses only historical values of the quantity of interest to predict future values of that quantity. The associative model, on the other hand, attempts to identify underlying causes or factors that control the variation of the quantity of interest, predict future values of these factors, and use these predictions in a model to predict future values of the specific quantity of interest. (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 106. Name and discuss three qualitative forecasting methods. Qualitative forecasting methods include: jury of executive opinion, where high-level managers arrive at a group estimate of demand; sales force composite, where salespersons’ estimates are aggregated; Delphi method, where respondents provide inputs to a group of decision makers; the group of decision makers, often experts, then make the actual forecast; consumer market survey, where consumers are queried about their future purchase plans. (Forecasting approaches, moderate) 107. List the four components of a time series. Which one of these is rarely forecast? Why is this so? Trend, seasonality, cycles, and random variation. Since random variations follow no discernible pattern, they cannot be predicted, and thus are not forecast. (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 108. Compare seasonal effects and cyclical effects. A cycle is longer (typically several years) than a season (typically days, weeks, months, or quarters). A cycle has variable duration, while a season has fixed duration and regular repetition. (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 109. Distinguish between a moving average model and an exponential smoothing model. Exponential smoothing is a weighted moving average model wherein previous values are weighted in a specific manner–in particular, all previous values are weighted with a set of weights that decline exponentially. (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 110. Describe three popular measures of forecast accuracy. Measures of forecast accuracy include: (a) MAD (mean absolute deviation). This is a sum of the absolute values of individual errors divided by the  number of periods of data. (b) MSE (mean squared error). This is the average of the squared differences between the forecast and observed values. (c) MAPE (mean absolute percent error) is independent of the magnitude of the variable being forecast. (Forecasting approaches: Measuring forecast error, moderate) 111. Give an example—other than a restaurant or other food-service firm—of an organization that experiences an hourly seasonal pattern. (That is, each hour of the day has a pattern that tends to repeat day after day.) Explain. Answer will vary. However, two non-food examples would be banks and movie theaters. (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 112. Explain the role of regression models (time series and otherwise) in forecasting. That is, how is trend projection able to forecast? How is regression used for causal forecasting? For trend projection, the independent variable is time. The trend projection equation has a slope that is the change in demand per period. To forecast the demand for period t, perform the calculation a + bt. For causal forecasting, the independent variables are predictors of the forecast value or dependent variable. The slope of the regression equation is the change in the Y variable per unit change in the X variable. (Time-series forecasting, diff icult) 113. List three advantages of the moving average forecasting model. List three disadvantages of the moving average forecasting model. Two advantages of the model are that it uses simple calculations, it smoothes out sudden fluctuations, and it is easy for users to understand. The disadvantages are that the averages always stay within past ranges, that they require extensive record keeping of past data, and that they do not pick up on trends very well. (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 114. What does it mean to â€Å"decompose† a time series? To decompose a time series means to break past data down into components of trends, seasonality, cycles, and random blips, and to project them forward. (Time-series forecasting, easy) 115. Distinguish a dependent variable from an independent variable. The  independent variable causes some behavior in the dependent variable; the dependent variable shows the effect of changes in the independent variable. (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation, moderate) 116. Explain, in your own words, the meaning of the coefficient of determination. The coefficient of determination measures the amount (percent) of total variation in the data that is explained by the model. (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation, moderate) 117. What is a tracking signal? How is it calculated? Explain the connection between adaptive smoothing and tracking signals. A tracking signal is a measure of how well the forecast actually predicts. Its calculation is the ratio of RSFE to MAD. The larger the absolute tracking signal, the worse the forecast is performing. Adaptive smoothing sets limits to the tracking signal, and makes changes to its forecasting models when the tracking signal goes beyond those limits. (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, moderate) 118. What is focus forecasting? It is a forecasting method that tries a variety of computer models, and selects the one that is best for a particular application. (Monitoring and controlling forecasts, easy) 124. A management analyst is using exponential smoothing to predict merchandise returns at an upscale branch of a department store chain. Given an actual number of returns of 154 items in the most recent period completed, a forecast of 172 items for that period, and a smoothing constant of 0.3, what is the forecast for the next period? How would the forecast be changed if the smoothing constant were 0.6? Explain the difference in terms of alpha and responsiveness. 166.6; 161.2 The larger the smoothing constant in an exponentially smoothed forecast, the more responsive the forecast. (Time-series forecasting, easy) 126. The following trend projection is used to predict quarterly demand: Y = 250 – 2.5t, where t = 1 in the first quarter of 2004. Seasonal (quarterly) relatives are Quarter 1 = 1.5; Quarter 2 = 0.8; Quarter 3 = 1.1; and Quarter 4 = 0.6. What is the seasonally adjusted forecast for the four quarters of 2006? PeriodProjectionAdjusted 9 227.5341.25 10 225180.00 11222.5224.75 12220132.00 (Time-series forecasting, moderate) 127. Jim’s department at a local department store has tracked the sales of a product over the last ten weeks. Forecast demand using exponential smoothing with an alpha of 0.4, and an initial forecast of 28.0. Calculate MAD and the tracking signal. What do you recommend? 130. A small family-owned restaurant uses a seven-day moving average model to determine manpower requirements. These forecasts need to be seasonalized because each day of the week has its own demand pattern. The seasonal relatives for each day of the week are: Monday, 0.445; Tuesday, 0.791; Wednesday, 0.927; Thursday, 1.033; Friday, 1.422; Saturday, 1.478; and Sunday 0.903. Average daily demand based on the most recent moving average is 194 patrons. What is the seasonalized forecast for each day of next week? The average value multiplied by each day’s seasonal index. Monday: 194 x .445 = 86; Tuesday: 194 x .791 = 153; Wednesday: 194 x .927 = 180; Thursday: 194 x 1.033 = 200; Friday: 194 x 1.422 = 276; Saturday: 194 x 1.478 = 287; and Sunday: 194 x .903 = 175. (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation, moderate) 131. A restaurant has tracked the number of meals served at lunch over the last four weeks. The data shows little in terms of trends, but does display substantial variation by day of the week. Use the following information to determine the seasonal (daily) index for this restaurant. 132. A firm has modeled its experience with industrial accidents and found that the number of accidents per year (Y) is related to the number of employees (X) by the regression equation Y = 3.3 + 0.049*X. R-Square is 0.68. The regression is based on 20 annual observations. The firm intends to employ 480 workers next year. How many accidents do you project? How much confidence do you have in that forecast? Y = 3.3 + 0.049 * 480 = 3.3 + 23.52 = 26.52 accidents. This is not a time series, so next year = year 21 is of no relevance. Confidence comes from the coefficient of determination; the model explains 68% of the variation in number of accidents, which seems respectable. (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation, moderate) 133. Demand for a certain product is forecast to be 8,000 units per month, averaged over all 12 months of the year. The product follows a seasonal pattern, for which the January monthly index is 1.25. What is the seasonally-adjusted sales forecast for January? 8,000 x 1.25 = 10,000 (Time-series forecasting, easy) 134. A seasonal index for a monthly series is about to be calculated on the basis of three years’ accumulation of data. The three previous July values were 110, 135, and 130. The average over all months is 160. The approximate seasonal index for July is  (110 + 135 + 130)/3 = 125; 125/160 = 0.781 (Time-series forecasting,  moderate) 135. Marie Bain is the production manager at a company that manufactures hot water heaters. Marie needs a demand forecast for the next few years to help decide whether to add new production capacity. The company’s sales history (in thousands of units) is shown in the table below. Use exponential smoothing with trend adjustment, to forecast demand for period 6. The initial forecast for period 1 was 11 units; the initial estimate of trend was 0. The smoothing constants are = .3 and  · = .3 136. The quarterly sales for specific educational software over the past three years are given in the following table. Compute the four seasonal factors. 137. An innovative restaurateur owns and operates a dozen â€Å"Ultimate Low-Carb† restaurants in northern Arkansas. His signature item is a cheese-encrusted beef medallion wrapped in lettuce. Sales (X, in millions of dollars) is related to Profits (Y, in hundreds of thousands of dollars) by the regression equation Y = 8.21 + 0.76 X. What is your forecast of profit for a store with sales of $40 million? $50 million? Students must recognize that sales is the independent variable and profits is dependent; the problem is not a time series. A store with $40 million in sales: 40 x 0.76 = 30.4; 30.4 + 8.21 = 38.61, or $3,861,000 in profit; $50 million in sales is estimated to profit 46.21 or $4,621,000. (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation, moderate) 138. Arnold Tofu owns and operates a chain of 12 vegetable protein â€Å"hamburger† restaurants in northern Louisiana. Sales figures and profits for the stores are in the table below. Sales are given in millions of dollars; profits are in hundreds of thousands of dollars. Calculate a regression line for the data. What is your forecast of profit for a store with sales of $24 million? $30 million? Students must recognize that â€Å"sales† is the independent variable and profits is dependent. Store number is not a variable, and the problem is not a time series. The regression equation is Y = 5.936 + 1.421 X (Y = profit, X = sales). A store with $24 million in sales is estimated to profit 40.04 or $4,004,000; $30 million in sales should yield 48.566 or $4,856,600 in profit. (Associative forecasting methods: Regression and correlation, moderate) 139. The department manager using a combination of methods has forecast sales of toasters at a local department store. Calculate the MAD for the manager’s forecast. Compare the manager’s forecast against a naive forecast. Which is better?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My career as a Computer Technician Essay

In today’s time, some of the best career choices can be found within technology. A significant part of technology, computers, is an ever changing field, constantly growing and expanding to make newer, faster, better computers. One of the best fields within this division is Computer Technician. There are many reasons why this position is a position that is strived for, and a high demand job position within the workforce. I will explain the three top reasons why anyone would want to be a Computer Technician, and why it’s the best job choice for you. As you begin to look into the career choice of becoming a Computer Technician, you find out that it is a field in which you repair computers, whether it be hardware or software related. Also, you find out there are requirements needed to become one. First, you have to undergo education. â€Å"You can begin preparing to become a computer technician while still in high school. Many high schools offer certification training courses or credit towards a 2-year college degree or an associate’s degree. High school graduates can choose to pursue either a 2 or 4 year college program. Many community colleges offer computer technician training programs that focus directly on the actual jobs you will be doing out in the real world. The most important training courses you will need to take are those courses that prepare you for your certification exams! These courses can be taken as part of a degree program or on a stand-alone basis.† (n.d.3.) Coming from education, if you receive the right amount of it, the rewards can be great. â€Å"According to the BLS, the median wage of computer repair technicians is $36,000 as of 2011. The highest wages are found in technical and trade schools, at a mean wage of $67,000. Earnings are highest in states on the East Coast, specifically in the northeastern states where the mean wage can reach $41,000-$47,000.† (n.d.2.) This is a very rewarding job, considering the education requirements and the actual pay wage, this is a great start into the field and a great way to get paid! The salary, benefits, and 401k plan that are usually offered are available in this career, as well, depending on which company or place of business you work for. Coming from benefits and rewards of becoming a Computer Technician, it is also a very flexible field. Hours can be full or part time, pay can be salary or hourly. Considering there is an increase within the job market for Computer Technicians, the flexibility of having more choice in hours and pay is a significant pro to this career choice, as other jobs in other industries do not always allow such flexibility. This career choice is truly an easy one to adapt to. The requirements of becoming a Computer Technician might be a bit steep, and somewhat tedious to sit through and complete, but the benefits of becoming one are too high to ignore. The ability to stay on the cutting edge of technology, alone, is worth it, but the financial aspect of this career choice is also not one to dismiss as not worth it. Computer Technicians overall are a very admirable field to choose as a career choice, because it truly is a field in which doesn’t require years upon years of education, and the benefits are well worth reaping. REFERENCES QuinStreet Inc. (n.d.1). Retrieved from (n.d.2). Retrieved from (n.d.3). Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sam Adams Essays - Adams Family, Governors Of Massachusetts

Sam Adams Essays - Adams Family, Governors Of Massachusetts Sam Adams Every so often, a man of true passion is born. A man exceedingly dedicated to his principles, and very firm in his beliefs. Samuel Adams was such a man. Adams was a patriot, and one of the more influential men in the colonies. However, even as a patriot, he did not support the Constitution. How could such a patriot be an anti-federalist? Once again, it all comes down to an issue of beliefs. Samuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722. He was the son of a successful merchant and malter. As a boy, he attended Boston Grammar School. In 1736 he decided to enter Harvard. It was here that he became active in colonial politics. He joined such clubs as the Caucus Club, which was influential in nominating candidates for local office. Here he became interested in revolution. The subject for his Master of Arts thesis was "Whether it be lawful to resist the Supreme Magistrate, if the Commonwealth cannot otherwise be preserved."(Brown 10). In 1740 he graduated and set off to help put an end to England's rule over the colonies. Every so often, a man of true passion is born. A man exceedingly dedicated to his principles, and very firm in his beliefs. Samuel Adams was such a man. Adams was a patriot, and one of the more influential men in the colonies. However, even as a patriot, he did not support the Constitution. How could such a patriot be an anti-federalist? Once again, it all comes down to an issue of beliefs. Samuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722. He was the son of a successful merchant and malter. As a boy, he attended Boston Grammar School. In 1736 he decided to enter Harvard. It was here that he became active in colonial politics. He joined such clubs as the Caucus Club, which was influential in nominating candidates for local office. Here he became interested in revolution. The subject for his Master of Arts thesis was "Whether it be lawful to resist the Supreme Magistrate, if the Commonwealth cannot otherwise be preserved."(Brown 10). In 1740 he graduated and set off to help put an end to England's rule over the colonies. Adams got married early in life. His first wife, however, died before they had spent much time together. She left him with two children. Later, he married for a second time. He spent much time during this marriage at attic meetings of the Caucus. It was here that he learned the fine points of being a politician. Samuel first got a chance to use these skills when he was elected tax collector of Boston in 1756. He remained tax collector for eight years. With the help of his outspoken opposition to both the Molasses Act and to the Sugar Act, Adams made an impression on the people of the colonies. This brought him into the center of Boston's political circle. It was then that Adams truly became involved. In 1765, he organized a formal protest against the Stamp Act. From there, Adam's became a founding member of the Boston chapter of The Sons of Liberty. This was an influential group that was very opposed to British rule. Adams also led the fight against the Townshend Acts. This demonstration led to the Boston Massacre. He also planned and coordinated the resistance to the Tea Act, which led to the Boston Tea Party. From 1774 to 1781, Adams represented Massachusetts on the Continental Congress. He was considered one of the workhorses of the Congress. He worked on several committees, propelled by stamina, realism, and commitment (Brown 10). Samuel was part of a radical faction that demanded strong measures to be taken against Great Britain. They wanted to make Britain regret imposing numerous irrelevant taxes on the colonies. With the help of John Adams, he convinced the Congress to impose a nonimportation agreement against England. Later, he helped to draft the Massachusetts state constitution. Samuel Adams never attended the Constitutional Convention. As an anti-federalist, he was strongly opposed to the Constitution. Both he and Patrick Henry boycotted the convention due to the fear of a strong central government. While the Convention was underway in Philadelphia, he was back at home speaking before the public on the faults of what was being written. A loss of personal rights was Adams main fear. Adams favored the Articles of Confederation, which left most of the power in the hand's of the individual states. With the central government having the true power, and that power being vested in

Monday, October 21, 2019

Disadvantages of Information Technology Essay Example

Disadvantages of Information Technology Essay Example Disadvantages of Information Technology Essay Disadvantages of Information Technology Essay Keep in mind that Isonaizd(INH) is the established treatment for preventive therapy , and the usual regimen is up to 300mg daily for adults. You can keep pts on for 6 months or 12 months with a positive CXR. Always give vitB6 when treating pts with INH. If there is a suspected resistance then use Rifampin (RIF) alone or in combo with the said INH. How do we treat current CLASSES III IV diseases. The first line medications are used in combinations since these tend to delay the development of resistance and to enhance activity. INH(p. o. or IM) 300mg. nhibits synthesis of mycolic acid in the bacterial cell wall thus making it easy to kill the organism in the dividing stage. The drug is however, bacteriostatic for the bacilli in the stationary phase. The drug is metabolized by N-acetyl transferase. Some of side effects include paresthesia, fever, convulsions, hepatotoxic, optic neuritis and Hemolysis in G6PD deficient pts. High level resistance involves deletion in the katG gene that c odes for catalase, and low-level resistance involves deletions in the inhA gene that codes for the target acyl carrier protein. Keep in mind that genotypic variability exists with FAST ACETYLATORS needing high doses of INH. Remember for the boards that Vit B6 will offset the neurotoxicity. RIFAMPIN(RIF) GOOD against Mycobacterium tuberculosis very bacteriocidal against it. Also against M. leprae. Can be used prophylactically in meningitis. The drug suppress the initial step of RNA synthesis by inhibiting DNA dependent RNA polymerase, and resistance occurs via change in polymerase sensitivity to inhibition. The drug undergoes hepatic metabolism to red-orange colored metabolites. So let the patient know that the urine and feces will be red-orange in color. Nausea ,vomiting, rashes, fever, jaundice and flu like symptoms with high doses. This drug will reduce the efficacy of anticonvulsants,contraceptive steroids and warfarin so take note for your boards and clinical treatment. PYRAZINAMIDE(PZA): Good for short term use and initial therapy with INH and RIF. The precise target of this drug is not well understood. Works well when bacteria is dividing very bacteriocidal at that point. The drug requires bioactivation. Can cause gouty attacks, liver dysfunction, phototoxicity, hyperuricemia, exacerabation of porphryia, polyarthralgia. ETHAMBUTOL(EMB): Great against M. tuberculosis and kansasii. The drug inhibits synthesis of arabinogalactan a component of mycobacterial cell wall. The side effects are dose dependent, and most common are optic neuritis,and gout. So we have looked at the first line drugs for treating TB, but keep in mind that daily intake of Alcohol increases the risk of hepatitis in patients on INH. In females on oral contraceptives increase the dosages or change to another form of contraceptive. RIF will also decrease methadone activity in pts on it so increase the methadone dosage by 50% . In treating pregnant patients the initial combination should be INH, RIF and EMB along with B6. Do not use PZA it is TERATOGENIC, do not use STREPTOMYCIN also will cause deafness. In fact let me mention some antibiotics to be AVOIDED IN PREGNANCY. : Aminoglycosides – ototoxic in developing fetus, Clarithromycin-embryotoxic Erythromycin estolate- increases incidence of cholestasis in the pregnant patient. Fluoroquinolones- deleterious effect on collagen metabolism Tetracyclines- interfere with bone and tooth formation via calcium chelation Sulfonamides- not to be used in third trimester can displace bilirubin from plasma proteins in the fetus and neonate causing KERNICTERUS. Metronidazole – mutagenic. OK let me get back to TB treatment. The second line drugs are Aminosalicylic acid, Ethionamide, Cycloserene, Streptomycin, ciprofloxacin, Oflofloxacin, Kanamycin or Capreomycin Amniosalicyclic acid: This is a bacteriostatic drug used in the treatment of TB and has good distribution but is not seen in the CSF. It is a competitive inhibitor of PABA in folate synthesis, and is eliminated in the urine. So do not use in patients with renal failure. However, the drug has been associated with causing HYPOTHYROIDISM, acute hemolytic anemia and GI distress. If used with ethionamide can become hepatotoxic. P. O. Ethionamide – This is a structural analog of INH and inhibits acetylation of INH. The drug is seen IN CSF However, the mechanism of action is not quite clear but it is known to cause peripheral neuropathies, GI distress, optic neuritis and is hepatototoxic. The drug is excreted in the urine and has a metallic taste. P. O. Cycloserine This tuberculostatic and its mechanism of action is unknown you never use it alone. Do not use it in pts with epilepsy since it will exacerbate the condition. The main side effect is peripheral neuropathies , Headaches, psychosis,depression so you can appreciate its CNS effects . nd it is excreted in the urine. P. O. Streptomycin – This was actually the first antibiotic that was used effectively to treat TB given IM but cause hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, auditory and renal toxicity. You can now understand why it is no longer a first line drug due to the side effects. Ciprofloxacin – P. O. I have already discussed this . Oflofloxacin – P. O. similar in action to Ciprofloxacin Kanamycin )IV, IM, Both of these drugs are useful but their side effects include auditory, vestibular Capreomycin)IV, IM, and renal toxicity. Hypokalema and eosinophilia. Let us now shift to the attention to antibiotics that inhibit bacterial wall synthesis. These agents that attack the bacterial cell wall in order to be maximally effective require actively proliferating organisms because they have little effect on organisms that are not growing. The B-Lactams are the most important for this activity and these are the PENICILLINS. Their mechanism of action is to interfere with the LAST STEP OF PEPTIDOGLYCAN SYNTHESIS .. The antibiotics will bind to and inactivate proteins present on the bacterial cell membrane. Thus morphological changes or lysis of susceptible bacteria will occur. There is also inhibition of the transpeptidase step, thus hindering the formation of the crosslinks essential for cell wall integrity. So cell wall synthesis is blocked. What will accumulate in the bacteria are the â€Å"PARK PEPTIDE† (UDP-acetylmuramyl-L-Ala-D-Gln-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala) . The natural Penicillins are G and V. Pen G is used in infections caused by Gm + and Gm – cocci, Gm + bacilli and spirochetes. This is less acid stable and is given IV or IM. Great for syphilis, gonorrhea and Pneumococcal pneumonia. Pen V is similar to Pen G but is given P. O. and is more acid stable than Pen G. Never use Pen V to treat septicemia. Keep in mind that B-lactamase bacteria are resistant to the the drug. Oh let me mention this in passing one of the ways to prevent GONOCOCCAL OPHTHALMIA in newborns where the mother has gonorrhea is by the use of SILVER NITRATE DROPS in the eyes. ANTISTAPHYLOCOCCAL PENICILLINS- Methicillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, dicloxacillin these are penicillinase resistant penicillins. Their use is usually restricted in treating infections caused by penicillinase-producing staphylococci. Keep in mind that METHICILLIN RESISTANT STRAINS are usually susceptible to Vancomycin, rifampin, ciprofloxacin, or imipenem/cilastatin. EXTENDED SPECTRUM PENICILLINS:- Ampicillin and Amoxicillin. These are less potent than Pen G against Gm+ and Gm- cocci. However, ampicillin is the drug of choice against Gm+ Bacillus. We are now beginning to see resistance to these antibiotics so you can add a beta-lactamase inhibitor such as CLAVULANIC ACID or SULBACTAM so as to protect the penicillins from enzymatic action. ANTIPSEUDOMONAL PENICILLINS: Carbenicillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin are useful in pseudomonal infections, and of the three piperacillin is the most potent. Combining ticarcillin with clavulanic acid will give you a broader spectrum so you get more bang for your buck. PENICILLINS AND AMINOGLYCOSIDES: The antibacterial effects of B-lactam antibiotics are synergistic with the aminoglycosides but NEVER! NEVER! Place both of them in the same INFUSION FLUID because the positively charged aminoglycosides will form an INACTIVE COMPLEX with the negatively charged penicillins. Some basic rules of administration: Methicillin, ticarcilloin, carbenicillin, meziocillin,piperacillin, azocillin and ampicillin plus sulbactam must be given IV or IM. You can get Pen V or Amoxicillin combined with Clavulanic acid P. O. There is a REPOSITORY or DEPOT form of penicillin and this is PROCAINE PENICILLIN G and BENZATHTHINE PENICILLIN G they are given IM and are slowly absorbed into the circulation. As a rule most of the penicillins are incompletely absorbed after p. o administration but they reach the intestine in sufficient amounts. However, AMOXICILLIN is almost completely absorbed. THUS it is not appropriate therapy for SALMONELLA derived enteritis. Since effective levels do not reach the organism in the intestinal crypts. Food will impede ALL PENICILLINASE RESISTANT PENICILLINS therefore they should be taken 30 – 60 minutes before meals or 2 – 3 hours after meals. Be reminded that other penicillins are less affected by food. Primary route of excretion via kidneys. The drug PROBENICID will inhibit secretion of penicillins. Adverse reactions include hypersensitivity, diarrhea, nephritis(seen more with methicillin), neurotoxic so be careful with the EPILEPTIC patient. Platelet dysfunction, (seen more with ticarcillin and carbenicillin) NEXT STOP CEPHALOSPORINS. These are B-lactam antibiotics and are closely related to penicillins structurally and functionally, and have the same mode of action and mechanism of resistance as the penicillins, but tend to be more resistant than the penicillins to B-Lactamase. Cephalosporins have been classified as first, second, third and fourth generations largely on the basis of bacterial susceptibility patterns and resistance to B-lactamases. Clinical uses vary depending on the generation of the drug. First Gen: Cefazolin, cephalexin, cefadroxil – great for Gm+ cocci, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonae, and some proteus species. Also Penicillin G resistant staph. Second Gen: cefotetan, cefaclor, cefoxitin useful against Gm- bacilli, including B. fragilis(cefotetan) H. influenza, enterobacter aerogenes, neisseria species and Moraxella catarrhalis. Third Gen: Many Gm= and Gm- cocci and Gm- bacilli including B-lactamase forming strains. Ceftazidime (Pseudomonas), ceftizoxime (anerobes), ceftriaxone and cefixime(gonococci), cefotaxamine(antagonizes Vit K), cefoperazole,moxalactam. Fourth Gen: Cefipime This drug combines the Gm+ activity of the first generation with the Gm- activity of the third generation drugs. Please keep in mind that cephalosporins have some limitations: a. The third and fourth generations have a wide spectrum of antibacterial action that includes many significant pathogens. b. There are gaps in the antibacterial activity of cephalosporins c. None of the cephalosporins have clinically useful activity in the treatment of infections caused by methicillin resistant staphylococci, Listeria species, enterococci or â€Å"atypical† organisms such as Mycoplasma pneumonae and Chlamydia. The mechanism of action similar to Penicillins, and the mechanisms of resistance are essentially the same as those for penicillin. All cephalosporins except CEFADROXIL, CEPHRADINE(1st), CEFACLOR(2ND), and CEFIXIME(3rd) must be administered via IV. Due to poor oral absorption. All of them distribute very well into the body fluids but only with the 3rd gen you get adequate levels in the CSF especially with CEFOTAXAMINE which isused to treat meningitis caused by H. influenza. Elimination of cephalosporins is by tubular secretion and or glomerular filtration. Thus dosage must be adjusted in pts with renal failure. However, Cefoperazone and Ceftriaxone are EXCRETED THRU BILE into the FECES, and can be used in pts with renal insufficiency. Among the side effects of cephalosporins are allergic manifestations in that 15% of individuals allergic to penicillins will show cross-sensitivity whereas the allergic reactions to cephalosporins is 1 2%. There is a disulfiram-like EFFECT when CEFAMANDOLE, CEFOPERAZONE and MOXALACTAM are ingested with alcohol or alcohol-containing medications. These drugs will block the second step in alcohol oxidation which results in accumulation of acetaldehyde. In fact these same three drugs can also cause bleeding because of anti-vit K effects. So give Vit K to correct the problem of bleeding. Let us look at the other B-Lactam antibiotics. CARBAPENEMS- These are IV drugs which are eliminated via the kidneys so you have to reduce the dosage in renal dysfunction patients. The carbipenems are IMIPENEM and MEROPENEM, and they are bacteriocidal and have a wide activity against Gm+ and Gm- bacteria including anerobes. Very good in Empiric therapy pending lab results. Imipenem is used with CILASTATIN which blocks its metabolism by renal dihydropeptidases. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes and seizures are among the adverse effects. MONOBACTAMS AZTREONAM is capable of disrupting cell wall synthesis but has a narrow spectrum and cannot be used alone in empiric therapy. It is resistant to B- lactamases. Used IM or IV and is excreted in the urine so it can accumulate in pts with renal problems. However, the drug is relatively non toxic although it can cause phlebitis, skin rash and occasionally abnormal liver function tests. This is a safe alternative for treating patients allergic to penicillin. B-Lactamase Inhibitors. Clavulanic acid, sulbactam. These protect penicillin derivatives from enzymatic inactivation by B-lactamases. Note ; clavulanic acid alone barely has antibacterial activity. We now arrive at the big gun, VANCOMYCIN a bacteriocidal wall inhibitor of glycosylation ractions by binding to the D-Ala-D-Ala terminal of the peptide chains of peptidoglycans. Resistance involves decreased binding of the drug via replacement of the terminal D-Ala-by D-lactate. It is used mainly for severe infections caused by methicillin resistant staph, pseudomembraneous colitis caused by C. difficile, allergies to penicillin,used prophylactically in dental patients with prosthetic heart valves. Resistrance rarely occurs with it, and slow IV infusion is used to treat systemic infections. Drug is excreted via glomerular filtration. The side effects are serious ; dose-related ototoxicity is associated with serum levels above 80ug/ml. Nephrotoxicity may occur in some pts, fever, chills or phlebitis can occur at the site of infusion. Shock has occurred in pts when infusion is rapid. Rashes may be seen in chronic administration. I want you to remember this for the boards if a pt has ANTIBIOTIC –INDUCED COLITIS give VANCOMYCIN p. o. since it is not absorbed after oral administration.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Homemade Dippin Dots Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

Homemade Dippin' Dots Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Dippin Dots consist of ice cream that has been flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. The process is actually really simple and makes a terrific project for kids. Heres how to make your own Dippin Dots ice cream. Dippin' Dots Ice Cream Materials Ice cream dots are produced by pouring ice cream into liquid nitrogen. The warmer ice cream mixture splatters upon contact with the nitrogen and freezes in shape. Liquid nitrogenIce cream (any flavor, but dont use an ice cream with mix-ins)Plastic, metal or wooden bowlWooden spoon Dippin dots is a popular ice cream frozen using liquid nitrogen. George Rose / Getty Images Make the Dippin' Dots! The Dippin Dots that you can buy come in lots of colors, which are made by adding multiple flavors of ice cream mix or melted ice cream to liquid nitrogen. If you want multicolored dots you will need to add more than one flavor of ice cream. Add the flavors one at a time. Dont melt them together or youll just get one color! Prepare ice cream mix or melt ice cream. If you are melting ice cream, allow it to sit for a while before continuing because you want the air bubbles in the ice cream to escape. If there is too much air in your ice cream it will float on the surface of the nitrogen and freeze in clumps rather than balls. If you are making your own ice cream, you can use whatever recipe you like. An easy version is to mix:4 cups heavy cream (whipping cream)1-1/2 cups half and half1 teaspoon vanilla extract1-1/2 cups sugar1/4 cup chocolate syrupDrizzle the melted ice cream or ice cream recipe onto the liquid nitrogen. If you are having trouble pouring the liquid, you can squirt the ice cream in using a baster or plastic ketchup bottle.Stir the nitrogen while adding the ice cream. You want to keep the ice cream from floating or clumping together. You can keep adding ice cream until there isnt room for any more.Scoop up the ice cream to eat it. Let it warm up to at least regular freezer temperature befor e putting any in your mouth or else it will stick to your tongue or the roof of your mouth! You can keep uneaten ice cream dots frozen by storing them in the freezer.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

Questions - Assignment Example ime when he got used to my presence he started letting me take some of the toys that weren’t his favorite, although I wasn’t allowed to take the favorite ones. When he realized that I didn’t insist on taking his toys he abandoned his greed and even started passing me some of his favorite toys. Approximately two hours had passed from the very first moment of our meeting to the moment he voluntary gave me his favorite toys. Probably the reason why it took so long for the toddler to socialize was that he was nurtured to be self-centered, though it wasn’t his natural condition because he easily got socialized when his parents weren’t present during the process of communication. Thus the best way for toddlers to learn socialization skills is to actually socialize them. If they start integrating into different groups of other toddlers (like kindergarten) or simply interact with people other than their parents, they will eventually learn the skills by them selves and will socialize more rapidly in the future. 3. A simple game I suggested for a 17 month-old toddler was to construct a small tower (from two to three stages) of ordinary wooden toy blocks. I explained to the boy what I wanted him to do and in the meantime I was showing how exactly he was supposed to construct the tower using the toy blocks. He absolutely got the task and started building the tower. However, sometimes it was quite difficult for him to hold the toy blocks and don’t drop them until he puts them on the right place. The skill he was supposed to learn was the skill to hold an object tight in his hands and be able to twist it to the exact side that he needed to put it down on another object. The toddler experienced certain difficulties with holding the toy blocks because it frequently happened that while twisting a block to the right side he dropped the object and ruined the entire construction. Notwithstanding the difficulties, he learned how to do it in another hour and eventually

Friday, October 18, 2019

Depression and Suicide in Older Adults Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Depression and Suicide in Older Adults - Essay Example Recognizng depression can be tricky because depressive symptoms manifest themselves differently in older people than they do in younger people. Health care workers need to be alert to the signs and symptoms of depression because untreated depression represents the greatest risk factor for suicide among older adults. Many people may believe that depression in older adults is simply a normal event that most people go through at one time or another; and that there is no real reason to be alarmed. It might be thought that these individuals should accept sad feelings and disinterest in life as a typical part of growing older. Nevertheless, depression is a very real disorder, and not just one that comes with age. Depressed individuals often cannot just 'snap out of' the problems they are facing. All too often, older adults end up taking their own lives when their depression becomes too painful for them and remains untreated (Brent, et al, 1997). Older adults have the highest rate of suicide in the United States, with over half of all suicides occurring in adult men, aged 25-65. Moreover, suicide rates steadily increase with age (Heisel, 2004). The rate of suicide among people 65 years and older is 50% higher than the national average. A senior citizen in the United States commits suicide every 90 minutes. Clearly, this is a problem that must not be ignored, particularly among older adults who are disproportionately impacted. Although older adults currently make up only 13% of the population, they suffer 19% of all suicide deaths. Persons who are 65 years and older have the highest suicide rates of any age group, and 84% of those who commit suicide are men. Population experts estimate that by 2030, older adults will comprise about 20% of the population, or about 75 million people. Thus, the problem of suicide, if left unaddressed, can be expected to increase. Heisel (2004) states, "There is a pressing need to identify vulnerability and protective factors associated with late-life suicidal ideation and behavior in order to inform assessment and treatment considerations with seniors at risk of suicide" (p. 50). Anyone working with elderly peopleolder adults must be aware of the scope of the problem and the potential ways to help. It is important, therefore, to evaluate ways to reduce the risks posed by depression in older adults, particularly the risk of suicide. With that goal in mind, this paper will examine the prevalence of depression among older adults, diagnosis, treatment, and risk factors for suicide. It will briefly examine depression's long history. Also, the literature dealing with various approaches to treatment of depression will be reviewed. Ultimately, this paper will thoroughly explore the question of why older adults choose to take their own lives. Diagnosis of Disorder Virtually everyone is sad from time to time, and this is generally not a cause for alarm. In many cases, a temporary negative change in mood is brought on by some specific loss, and corrects itself within a reasonable period of time. Losses late in life tend to become more common. For example, as people get older, they will likely know more

Application of theory paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Application of theory paper - Assignment Example For this reason, a wide gap between practice and hypothesis continues to persist in the field of nursing. However, this is not always the case, in certain cases the difference in expected and observed result is due to human error or negligence on the part of professionals. No matter who postulates the theory, or to what background he or she belongs to, there are four basic concepts that are considered essential for every theory of nursing; they include the person, the environment, health, and nursing. Most of the theories attempt to explain the relationships that prevail between these notions and in doing so bring forth ideas that are novel and contributory towards the practice of nursing. Despite the importance of each of the four concepts with regards to nursing theory, the focal point of the nursing theories remains to be â€Å"the person". Further, nursing theory can be divided on the basis of generalizability principles. The categories of nursing theories on generalizability are Metatheory, Grand theory, Middle range theory, and Practice Theory. Metatheory can be considered as theory of theory or theories. It focuses on a specific phenomenon of abstract nature. Grand theory provides a conceptual framework, through which principles and concepts o f a discipline can be identified. Meanwhile, in Middle range theory, the area of focus is limited or too specific with respect to situation, and variables associated with it. Practice theory is usually applied to determine the goals that are to be achieved in result of a particular practice, and also the mode of attaining these goals. The standards of healthcare continue to transform every now and then as new technology evolves to replace the previous one. Similarly with the emergence of new health related challenges, the need to modify the process of nursing care continues to arise. This is not only important to ensure

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Market System and the Circular Flow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Market System and the Circular Flow - Essay Example The idea of the invisible hand suggests that when competition is assumed, public and private interests coincides. The visible hand also suggests that if the profits of the firms are maximized, the society’s output would in return be maximized. The visible hand theory has two main virtues in the marketing system where it creates room for economic freedom and allocates resources effectively and efficiently. The invisible hand theory also suggests that it is individual’s motivation that drives the growth and development of the economy. EcoCommerce101 suggests that invisible hand theory should the concept of transaction among two individuals. The generated information is absorbed by the two economic participants, therefore, allowing proper allocation of resources. Individuals will always try to produce and provide best goods and services that the people are willing and able to buy; therefore, promoting the interests of the society (Basu, 2010). Meanwhile, the government is also responsible in regulating the types of businesses to be established in a certain region to avoid congestion. The government uses the idea of imposing high taxes to its resources. Conclusively, it does not mean invisible hand is only beneficial t o the economy, but the participants might also experience

Chain-growth polymerization reactions Lab Report

Chain-growth polymerization reactions - Lab Report Example Chain growth polymerization occurs in distinctive steps. The first step involves chain initiation in which an initiator commences the chemical process. The next step involves chain elongation followed by chain transfer. Chain transfer concludes the chain after which the active site is moved to the new chain. Polymers, solvents and monomers can facilitate this. This processes leads to an increase in the branching of the ensuing polymer. Chain termination occurs as the last step through disproportion or combination. Termination in fundamental polymerization occurs when free radicals combine. The active center for a chain growth polymerization can assume the state of a free radical in the corresponding polymerization. Radical polymerization in this case involves the successive addition of radical building blocks. This can occur through several mechanisms, which involve different initiator molecules (Wünsch 131). After the generation process, the initiating radical adds monomer units, which leads to the growth of the polymer. Chain growth polymerization such as radical polymerization reactions leads to the generation of different material composites and polymers. Radical polymerization involves different initiators such as thermal decomposition in which the bond is homolytically cleaved leading to the production of two radicals. Photolysis involves the use of radiation in cleaving bonds homolytically. The initiation step is followed by the propagation in which the polymer increases its chain length. The termination process follows unless the reaction has contaminants, which can contribute to the addition of monomers (Richardson, and Erik 92). Chain transfer occurs as the last step, which leads to the destruction of a radical and construction of another radical. However, the new radical usually does not have propagation capabilities. Chain growth polymerization leads to the formation of an elevated molecular weight polymer at low conversion. In this case, the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Market System and the Circular Flow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Market System and the Circular Flow - Essay Example The idea of the invisible hand suggests that when competition is assumed, public and private interests coincides. The visible hand also suggests that if the profits of the firms are maximized, the society’s output would in return be maximized. The visible hand theory has two main virtues in the marketing system where it creates room for economic freedom and allocates resources effectively and efficiently. The invisible hand theory also suggests that it is individual’s motivation that drives the growth and development of the economy. EcoCommerce101 suggests that invisible hand theory should the concept of transaction among two individuals. The generated information is absorbed by the two economic participants, therefore, allowing proper allocation of resources. Individuals will always try to produce and provide best goods and services that the people are willing and able to buy; therefore, promoting the interests of the society (Basu, 2010). Meanwhile, the government is also responsible in regulating the types of businesses to be established in a certain region to avoid congestion. The government uses the idea of imposing high taxes to its resources. Conclusively, it does not mean invisible hand is only beneficial t o the economy, but the participants might also experience

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Oef oif Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Oef oif - Research Paper Example As a matter of fact, veterans coping with PTSD need to be adequately cared for. This topic will help in conducting an extensive research to help in understanding their problems and look for the possible ways of serving them (VA Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards, 2010). PTSD is a common problem facing the war veterans world over. It results from their exposure to traumatizing war conditions such as seeing the seriously wounded or dead bodies; being shot at by their enemies; being ambushed; knowledge of the slain colleagues; or getting a mortar fire. On the other hand, women veterans might be of higher risks of suffering from this condition because of their vulnerability to Military Sexual Trauma (MST) that come as a result of repeated sexual cases of sexual harassment and assaults experienced during the peacetime, training and war. Since these conditions pose a prolonged effect on the mental health of these veterans, a comprehensive health care scheme needs to be implemented. Healthcare provision to the Iraqi and Afghan veterans with PTSD has become an issue of concern today. It is has posed a great challenge to different health care providers in the country. Hence, the Department of Veteran Affairs should take it so seriously. A lot should be done to help these patriots to cope up with such a stressful condition. Otherwise, it might interfere with their mental health and eventually paralyze their interpersonal relations (Rothschild, 2000). So, this research will strive to unearth more information about these veterans and look for measures through which they can be assisted. To achieve this goal, the research will have to advocate for the improvement in the quality of health care offered to them and recommend the use of amore comprehensive approach. These include, but not limited to, the use of social services,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Step By Step Guide On Making A CD Case For D+T Resistant Materials Essay Example for Free

Step By Step Guide On Making A CD Case For D+T Resistant Materials Essay 1. Find right equipment; ruler, chisel, sand paper, glue, pine and ply 2. Measure the right lengths of wood and then cut into 4 separate parts 250mm for the lengths and 170mm for the widths Equipment needed; Ruler, saw, pencil 3. Create a rectangle for the main frame-using lap joints (250mm high and 170mm in width, sand if needed), 4. Equipment needed; chisel, hammer, glue and pencil 5. Create long thin pine about 95mm long and 7mm high (so they look a bit like sticks) make about 12 pieces (6 ether side) to make the support for the CDs Equipment needed; pencil, saw, ruler 6. Glue the pine sticks to the inside of the frame making sure that nothing sticks out using sand paper, and also making sure that it only goes about 3/4 of the way down to leave space for the storage area. Equipment needed; glue, sand paper 7. Before sticking on the plywood make sure the CDs fit in between the frame nicely Equipment needed; CD 8. Making sure that nothing is sticking out and that the measurements are all correct glue the plywood on to the back of the pine frame. Equipment needed; ruler, glue 9. Sand down any sticking out bits to make it look presentable. Equipment needed; sand paper 10. Sand the corners to make it aesthetically pleasing as possible. Equipment needed; sand paper 11. Then for a finishing touch add water based vanish. Equipment needed; vanish

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Models of Age and Disability

Models of Age and Disability Aging and disability Sonia STRENGTH BASED MODEL:- Strengths based practice is an approach to support that has a strong focus on the identification of people’s abilities, interests and capabilities and on their strengths and potential. Strengths based practice is largely founded on the work of Charles Rapp from the United States who founded the strengths model in relation to case management within the mental health sector. The main objective of this model is to analysis the health problems and issues of a client, support to a person in an appropriate way, find the needs of a client and the weaknesses of a client. More focus on the strengths of an individual. STRENGTHS:- Focus on the health and well-being of an individual It focuses on the client’s interests, skill and support systems. Identify the needs of an individual. Improve the quality of life. Builds the self-esteem and sense of competition WEEKNESSES:- Unrealistic goals. About only positive things. The weakness of the strength based model is that existing and potential abilities became the basis of classification and not the aspirations of individual. It is sometimes difficult to establish individual aspirations since it requires effective communication and not readily assessable. Many critics of the strength based approach points out the limitation to which abilities define the capability of the person to participate in the community. ASSESSMENT:- It focuses on people’s abilities and resiliencies and set their own goals, ambitions and solutions to difficult situations. Individual strengths and resources such as their passions, skills and interest in their relationships and environments. The goal of a comprehensive needs assessment is to determine an individual’s current abilities, resources, goals and needs. PLANNING:- Set their goals. Specific methods for setting up individual goals. Make a plan how to achieve their goals. Supports goals with resources from the individual and environment. CO-ORDINATION:- Improve availability, access and adaption of resources in the community. Professional/carer link up individual with available environment. The weakness of the strength based model is that existing and potential abilities became the basis of classification and not the aspirations of individual. It is sometimes difficult to establish individual aspirations since it requires effective communication and not readily assessable. Many critics of the strength based approach points out the limitation to which abilities define the capability of the person to participate in the community. Case Management Model In this model an imparted procedure of evaluation, arranging, assistance and promotion for choices and administrations are utilized to meet a customers all encompassing wishes through correspondence and existing assets to empower quality expense – successful results. This model has been utilized within an extensive variety of environment which incorporates however is not restricted to group administer to the matured, and individuals with inability and mental wellbeing issues. It requires an association to convey a far reaching scope of administrations based on the full appraisal that is utilized to create an administration plan. This model likewise concentrates on the decisions and inclination of the customers and the arrangement is produced upon it. Case administrators make arrangements and expert exercises that spill out of specific setting, project and customer populace. Normally center procedures to case administration are as per the following: screening, evaluation/hazard administration, forethought arranging, executing administrations course of action, observing, checking/assessment and promotion. Assessment There are a couple of similarities between the case administration model and the quality based model as it both respects the needs of the customers. On the off chance that organization show the essential focus is in the preoccupations of the customer as the case administrators urge the customers to go to relative activities and develop it so the inspiration driving the treatment is accomplished in the midst of gathering time. This model in like manner looks on the customers ability to do things in some degree and will endeavor to keep up their way of life however much as it can as they had it before the contamination and keep an element identity and bodies to the degree that could sensibly be required to help in the headway of the treatment. On the other hand there are various potential blocks in this model as the customers wellbeing may lessen due to wellbeing condition and poor environment conditions. Likewise the game plan will need to be changed in view of the conditions went up against by the customers and questionable circumstances. Planning The plan in this model is usually fixed unlike in strength based model because the client’s hobbies and preference are fixed and stable. Therefore the plan will be made for a long term goal to be achieved and it hardly be changed and the plan is not very detailed, it’s just as optional orientation. Coordinating In this model the coordination is between the case manager and the client as well as the relationship between other clients who participate in the same activity. Other consideration should be given to such as the client’s physical ability, elements like economy, climate, and etc. therefore the arraignments should be made in advance. Strengths and weaknesses of the case Management model This model is not difficult to be executed as it is focused around the necessity of the clients exercises as per their hobbies. It is great instrument to use to create both the psyche and the physical improvement of the client. The shortcoming of this model is that it could be effortlessly affected by the components like instability of the atmosphere and general physical state of the client and whatever possible individual issues on the clients part. Additionally this model cant be upgraded as it comes and it can influence the clients wellbeing and lessening the wellbeing state of the client. About whether as the clients wellbeing abatements a period will come when the client wont have the capacity to take an interest in the exercises as the arrangement is not being changed as per the advancement of the client. Perspective o the disability people It is one of the easiest models to use and it can be carried out easily in the client’s life because it is based on the client’s hobbies and preferences. This model will be continuingly developed during the practice in reality. It plays an important role in the recovery or dealing with the disabled people. The potential of the client will be found during the process of the treatment so there is a bright future of this model. Summary of the expected outcomes for the disabled In this model the clients life is intriguing notice satisfied than before as it focused around the distractions and the inclination of the client. It additionally creates the mental piece of the client. This model can additionally be utilized to make plans to the active recuperation. Then again this model will make the clients rely on upon the others for backing as it wont support clients in discovering an occupation to get by upon. Comparisons of the two models The quality built model primarily centers with respect to the customers qualities and capacities and makes an arrangement based upon that while case administration model concentrates on the leisure activities and inclination of the customers and sways them to go to relative exercises so the motivation behind the treatment is accomplished amid the group time. Then again case administration model is a bit like the quality based models as it both regards the needs of the clients. At the point when contrasting the arrangements in the models, the arrangement in the event that administration model is altered upon customers side interests and inclination though in quality based model the arrangement progressions as indicated by the advancement of the treatment. There are contrasts in the coordination part also. The quality based model will require a high coordination between the customer and case director while the case administration model obliges a decent coordination between the customer , case supervisor and alternate customers who are taking an interest in the movement. Customers with a mental objective can utilize quality based model and customers with physical needs can utilize case administration model.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

History of the Apollo Program Essay -- space shuttle program apollo mi

We choose to go to the moon... "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon, and returning him, safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more important in the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult of expensive to accomplish."(John F. Kennedy - "Special Joint Session of Congress", May 25th, 1961) With just a few words John F. Kennedy launched one of the largest endeavors that America has ever embarked upon. The address given to congress in May of 1961 put America in a race against Russia to see who could make it to the moon first. This was the start of the space program in America. From it came the Mercury Project with the goal to put the first man into space. The Mercury project launched 26, rockets of which only six were manned flights. The Mercury program put the first American into space on February 20, 1962. John H. Glenn, Jr. was the first American into space. He was the first man to orbit the earth. A claim that Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space (April 12, 1961),can't make. The Russians did circle the earth in space but not in orbit. When John Glenn took off in the Mercury-Atlas 6 rocket, named Friendship 7, he made history. It was less then one year after the challenge of John F. Kennedy to place a man on the moon. The flight lasted for only 04 hours, 55 minutes and 23 seconds. Still in that short time John Glenn went around earth three times, and became an American hero. The Mercury project was finished with the launch of the Mercury-Atlas 9 rocket, named Faith 7, launched May 15,1963. Faith 7 held only one passenger, L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.. He spent 34 hours, 19 minutes, ... ...and right now final record. They also gathered 234 pounds (110.4kg) of material form the moon. There was also the performance of the trans-Earth EVA that was done by Ronald Evans it lasted 01 hour, 06 minutes. With the splash down of the Apollo XVII module our days on the moon ended. The last time that a man walked on the moon I was not born. There has not been a flight to the moon for over 30 years. I personally feel that this is a true tragedy. I have seen it written that if the Apollo program had continued to receive funding as it had in the early 70’s we would have a base on the moon. If so we would have unmanned lunar Modules to bring supplies to the moon. These may be dreams but as someone that has grown up in the space age I feel that we could achieve these dreams if we really wanted to. I hope that some day, before I am to old, we return to the moon.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Negotiations: Methodologies for Unilateral and Collaborative Situations

Negotiation is the preferred method of communication instead because conflict creates unwanted effects to a working relationship. The articles outlined three essential uses and/or strategies of three different authors whom approach to negotiation fit their industries as well as their creative abilities. In Resolving Real Estate Issues, Gerald M. Levy (1999) addresses four primary steps of negotiation: pre-negotiation, presentation and negotiation, intense, agreement and closing phrase (p. 2). The outline is understandable and workable in any industry in which negotiation is relied upon for optimal results. Meadow discussed the basis of negotiation being an art and science that mixes a party’s ability to bargain with their opponents. The issues stated within the article addressed the basic needs of any individual involved; for instance, â€Å"skilled negotiators can separate the conceptual part of negotiation (the â€Å"science†) from the behavioral aspects of negotiation (the â€Å"art†) to solve the underlying problem that a lawsuit represents (Meadow 1).† This act of negotiation is very intriguing because you are approaching the aspect of negotiation in a law setting in which rules are outlined by the court, but your use of tactics are up to you and your opponents. In The Art and Science of Problem-Solving Negotiation, Meadow (1999) uses detailed examples to corner a creative negotiator’s ability to overthrow sessions (p.2). These tactics fit their personality and the structure increases negotiator’s chances of success in negotiations. Shaping perceptions of alternatives sets in the pre-negotiation phase of negotiation can lower the limits of acceptable agreements. For example, a web design company needs a copywriter with writing skills to boost their profits. The market price for a freelance writer is roughly $20/article, but they are offering a per project basis. In this negotiation, a copywriter will pull for the market price or higher due to years of professional experience. This is an example of Meadow’s (1999) belief in shaping the competition’s objectives to fit that of one’s intentions (p. 5). Without the proper game plan, the art and science of negotiation goes out of the window once more problems arise. As with my example, a negotiator can make commitments, threats, and focal points stick all irrelevant issues aside for a reasonable bargaining set to continue its process within a negotiation. This follows from their previous example. Their ability to highlight this point will make the company re-arrange their current ideal of what a copywriter should be paid per article. Not that it is a threat, but it is a reasonable explanation of why they need to pay the amount instead of losing the writer. In Resolving Real Estate Issues, Gerald Levy (1999) practices influencing aspirations are higher suggestions in return for a need can generate better results (p.2). Once I understand the dynamics and true market price of a copywriter, I may want more for their work. The web design company is trying to use their talents at a cheap price so I will leave them alone for a set period of time to see if their position changes. By contacting their competition about copywriter salaries, I can gain leverage by addressing it in our next meeting. I am boosting their aspirations to receive the payment I deserve and ‘more’ for their services. After I receive this information, I can develop a stronger position in what I deserve. Meadow (1999) and Levy (1999) believe that taking a position will cause an opponent to withdraw from their first perspective of the situation (p. 1 and 3). If one chooses to use strong positions, they must stand firm within decision making so opponents will understand and not budge from previous arguments. For example, if I were asked to accept a lower salary, I will not agree with the web design company and leave the negotiations. This puts my services as a valuable mean for a company’s success in their market. It is very important to keep this in mind while developing a stronger argument for future negotiations. I believe I must remain strong during these steps into a negotiation because companies try to manipulate prospects. These authors were correct in establishing a strong position for unilateral and collaborative situations. In order to create a better outcome on each end, it should remain essential to practice the art of negotiation without budging to the intense negotiation strategies thrown within the conflict. The preferred methods of Meadow (1999) and Levy (1999) can be implemented in numerous settings; one’s flexibility to establish rapport with an opponent without harming or burning bridges is very important (p.3). Meadow’s (1999) objectives can act as repetitive methodology to instruct new negotiators in the law scene. Many other methods can be helpful, but the ideal argumentation comes from the negotiator’s overall motivations. References Cited Menkel-Meadow, Carrie (June 1999). â€Å"The art and science of problem-solving negotiation.† Trial. Washington, p. 1- 7. Levy, Gerald M. (Fall 1999). Resolving Real Estate Issues. Real Estate Issues. Chicago.   Vol. 24, p.1-8. Â