Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Oef oif Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Oef oif - Research Paper Example As a matter of fact, veterans coping with PTSD need to be adequately cared for. This topic will help in conducting an extensive research to help in understanding their problems and look for the possible ways of serving them (VA Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards, 2010). PTSD is a common problem facing the war veterans world over. It results from their exposure to traumatizing war conditions such as seeing the seriously wounded or dead bodies; being shot at by their enemies; being ambushed; knowledge of the slain colleagues; or getting a mortar fire. On the other hand, women veterans might be of higher risks of suffering from this condition because of their vulnerability to Military Sexual Trauma (MST) that come as a result of repeated sexual cases of sexual harassment and assaults experienced during the peacetime, training and war. Since these conditions pose a prolonged effect on the mental health of these veterans, a comprehensive health care scheme needs to be implemented. Healthcare provision to the Iraqi and Afghan veterans with PTSD has become an issue of concern today. It is has posed a great challenge to different health care providers in the country. Hence, the Department of Veteran Affairs should take it so seriously. A lot should be done to help these patriots to cope up with such a stressful condition. Otherwise, it might interfere with their mental health and eventually paralyze their interpersonal relations (Rothschild, 2000). So, this research will strive to unearth more information about these veterans and look for measures through which they can be assisted. To achieve this goal, the research will have to advocate for the improvement in the quality of health care offered to them and recommend the use of amore comprehensive approach. These include, but not limited to, the use of social services,

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